Hey guys!
Thanks to you all this has been a very cool ride so far. A very neat
experience for all of us and if anything else it's something NEW .
This week I thought about how things have evolved and changed in my
little ART world and this site is most definitely something different
for me on so many levels. So this new venture is still fresh for me. A
perfect muse for my take on this weeks word...NEW...
This time around we have an awesome kit from Scrap Magie!!!!!! So with that cool knowledge you guys better get to scrappin' and post those LO's...we can't wait!!!!! You have until July 6 to get your stuff linked up to us!!
This time around we have an awesome kit from Scrap Magie!!!!!! So with that cool knowledge you guys better get to scrappin' and post those LO's...we can't wait!!!!! You have until July 6 to get your stuff linked up to us!!